Tonight I am gonna record my thoughts on the Broncos-Raiders game. Without further ado lets get this practice of "at the moment" commentary going.........................................................................
Coin Toss----Broncos get first chance to take lead in this game. Figure its gonna be very important to get on top in this game coming off last year's debacle in Denver............Early on Orton looks sharp but then again he is always sharp between the 20s.............The Broncos are struggling running the football. 3rd and 15 is no way to make a living.................Great hit by the rookie Von Miller! Fumble!!!! F*&% the Raiders I utter and Lora Li laughs.........Here we go, Orton in the red zone.........I hate 3-0 leads.............Defense playing fast. I like what I see so far..........Holding? Really? Come on! If you're gonna call that one you gotta call those stiffs in silver and black for the headlocks.............Here we go again, 3rd and 15...........Damn it! I guess the Thunderwolves aren't the only squad that can block punts....................I love refs. Come on guys that's the second time you have called off a penalty...............................Sounds like the Mile High of old plus the Raiders are about as disciplined as the Raiders of old.....................Great play McFadden but only made possible by Champ slipping.................Great time for end of quarter, Broncos defense on its heels with this big man downhill running game...............3rd and six, you gotta stop them here....oh come on thats the only way this stiff of a quarterback can beat you. Where's the spy?................Have another donut you fat ugly Raiders fans celebrating the first touchdown of the game. Okay donkeys down 7-3. Confidence level? About where it was going into the night which is about 30 percent. Raiders defense is young. They dont have that shutdown cornerback Asomugha anymore. Perhaps Orton can hit something down the field. It is obvious the running game wont be there on consistent basis. Still think Moreno can break a big one however...........Run a play QUICK!!!! yep! It's a fumble!. Now have to suffer thru this commercial break knowing the Raiders are gonna be in great shape. So much for that Moreno thought!................Here comes the rain.......Really Dilfer. Was it that great a deal to throw the challenge flag so quickly. Hell I was throwing it in my living room right away!.................Field goal not such an automatic thing with this rain coming down..............Lora Li laughing loudly at Brian Dawkins celebrating that big hit........Wow another 5 yards and that baby hooks out of the uprights. Uh oh here we go. Boys, boys, boys settle down. There is a reason this game has been on Monday night more than any other rivalry in history of the series............NORTH AND SOUTH McGahee!!!!!.......OMG Orton looking like Tebow. 1st Down!!!..............What a little punk arguing that holding call.................First of all Dilfer it was holding or illegal contact but that would have been ticky tack. Secondly when you grab the receivers bicep before the ball gets there that is by definition interference.......Dejavu all over again. 3rd and 15 is no way to make a living...............Shut up Dilfer. God its a good thing this guy had a great defense that moment in time with the Ravens. What do these bigshot network execs see in some of these guys. I mean its Monday Night Football and we are stuck listening to this stiff all night?............Man I thought Champ blew out his groin there................Guy looks like Eddie Mac with speed in that number 87 jersey............Crap! Who's the penalty on? Time to pull up NFL.com......Its against the Broncos. Great bait job by the Raider there..............Brad Nessler great line "of course we have another flag"...........That's a good make-up call. We'll take it!.............Brandon Lloyd is a stud................Nice jinx job by Nessler commenting on how sharp Orton has been on this drive..........No no no! You gotta punt it here. Perhaps the timeout will allow Fox to come to his senses. Play field position here!...........Okay I will give Dilfer credit there. That was a great line about comparing his driver to that ill advised kick........I am resigned now to the fact that decision by Fox to try the field goal is the turning point of this game. I fully believe Raiders will take full advantage of this field position...........Good call. Bronco clearly had his helmut and facemask. McFadden is a stud........Just checked Facebook and see where Thunderwolves QB Ross Dausin is pulling for Raiders. Ross this just in. You gotta know your geography........Defensive holding? Are you kidding me? WTF! Raiders are the most cheating franchise in the history of football and you call us for defensive holding on a running play?............Big 3rd down here. Hold em to field goal and then go down and get one on other end. That would be huge!...............Wow Brian Dawkins can fly! It's only fitting that Dilfer blew the call.......Okay step one complete holding them to field goal. Now to get a score on other end. Tell you what. Plenty of time to get seven if we had those two timeouts Orton burned earlier..........BIFF!!!!! Best ever right there ladies and gentlemen........okay touchdown out of the question now. Still can get three...........Challenge that! he came down on the line! Nope. Wishful thinking..........Record setter coming up. Lets see if they are smart enough to set up for 63 yarder. MONEY!!!! Good news is he is my kicker on my fantasy team!..................It's at this moment in time your mind starts to wander and you break out in a sweat knowing the Red Sox lead is down to three games in the wild card..............Allright 3rd and long, do something Broncos to give us some kind of hope. IN---COM----PLETE!.......YEAH BABY! Love seeing that number 87 Eric Decker. That changes things in a big hurry. But quickly plays tricks on me wondering what will Orton do to screw up this good feeling LOL...............Love the camera shaking like the old days of Mile High Stadium!............You have got to make that tackle!..............Oh god this Raider running game is starting to take its toll...........ah but there is always hope. Coaches at any level will always outsmart themselves with stupid calls like that reverse...............okay. another 3rd and long. gotta stop em here. Nice! Raiders use there second timeout. It goes without saying that could come back to haunt them.......This guy has got to be the greatest punter in the history of the game despite that last return.........Come on Eddie. You're better than that.........See! That's what I'm talking about.......The Raiders and there fans are idiots. Always have been. Always will be. What a dumb play..............Oh come on McGahee. Well so much for this possession. Another drop. Wait are we gonna get another personal foul? Yep! Do I need to say it again.........Nice! Make sure you pick up your lingerie on the field you Raiders defenders.........Oh god. Now comes the realization Orton is in the redzone............I know I am crazy and it makes no sense but I have told people that I would run Tebow out there on any 1st and goal. Orton has got to be one of the worst all-time red zone quarterbacks in the history of the NFL..............16-13 feels like 23-13 to me. They all but gift wrapped that touchdown for the Broncos yet Orton just cannot get it done down there. Never has. Doubt that he ever will on consistent basis.............Dang it! Never a real chance to get that fumble......Tell you what, Broncos are laying the wood here in this second half. 3rd and long, here we go...................Its always a good security blanket knowing Jason Campbell is the Raiders QB.........Gotta luv this Decker kid. But again deep sigh knowing this is all between the 20s. Take a shot right here Orton............OMG!!!!!!! He just has to fulfil his identity doesnt he!...........BALLGAME! And just like that there go our hopes........Cant wait to here this post game presser by Orton.................Raiders version of the Bush push there.............Turn em loose. Raiders defensive front built for this kind of moment............NFL Films moment there. Maybe that turns the tide of this fiasco. Lloyd is a lucky man..........Big time hold there. Can Orton make a play? I think so. It is between the 20s..............Nice pass there on 2nd and 19 Orton. Here come the boo birds.............Most intelligent thing Dilfer has said all night relating to Orton's plight. "I've been there" he said describing his career of always facing adversity because of his poor play. Okay I embellished it a bit there but lets face it. Nobody has profited more from playing QB so bad yet being so lucky to have played for a team with one of the top five defenses of all time.........Did you see that ref there. He was reaching for his flag but couldnt find it. He then realized "I better not throw it"..................Like I said Lechler is the greatest punter of all-time. My apologies to the Ray Guy family...........You know you can complain about the officiating all you want but so far every holding call against the Broncos has been warranted........Thinking the best thing that can happen here is have this drive stall out quickly and get the field goal out of the way.............Check that LOL. But it is the red zone again......3rd and four and I am resigned to the field goal............Oh I feel foolish now. Yes! Orton can produce a touchdown in the red zone..........You have to remember Fox burned that timeout down there when Raiders had first down and goal from the one................Better to gain 10 yards than have 2nd and one.............Ballgame. Okay that might be the third or fourth time I said that tonight.......Victory formation for the Raiders........Okay time to put a bow on this blog. In the final analysis it comes down to turnovers 90 percent of the time it seems in the NFL. When you include the blocked punt the Broncos gave the ball to Oakland four times which produced 20 points. Also the stupid personal foul penalty at end of first half gave Raiders the chance to hit the 63 yard field goal. Kyle Orton as usual had a great statistical night under heavy pressure. But for the exception of the last drive he fails in the red zone all too often. And of course his bonehead fumble with no one around him and a sure touchdown at the end of the pass he didnt get off will forever be remembered as the play that cost the Broncos the ball game. The way this game was lost overshadows the way the Raiders won the game, an old fashioned powerful ground game. That and a powerful defensive front which drew countless holding penalties and put tremendous heat on Orton all night long. In defeat the Broncos do have a new cult hero. Eric Decker's 90 yard punt return for an early 3rd quarter touchdown injected life and hope into an otherwise dreary outlook. Sure its not as brutal as last years 59-14 loss but this game stings just a bit more since it was the home opener and ruins the chance to open the season 2-0 with last years doormat Cincinnati Bengals coming to Mile High next Sunday. Time to hit the shower and try to sleep this one off. Hope you enjoyed this venture into on the spot commentary of Broncos football.
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